Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday April 15th 2008: Arts and crafts

Today was a great day. After day care, I went to see Mama Bakhita but she didn’t need me so I ended up working in the sewing room. I organized the supplies, assessed what needs to be purchased, mainly fabric. They actually have quite a lot of thread. I worked with Tobias, who aside from sewing, has also been helping with physiotherapy. He is trying to train Ernesta, one of the girls living at the center. There is a language barrier but we end up understanding each other. The youth has been making dish mats. Earring, necklaces so it can be sold and I hope to help with that.


alice_harvey said...

Gigi! I found your blog!! It's wonderful to read your news ..and to hear what your first impressions were...I'm sorry I didn't find the time to hear them first hand in my craziness of the final week. You are doing an immense job...keep it up and I'll keep reading! Lots of love alice xxx

Denia said...

Salut Geraldine,

I have read all your blog. It's so fascinating, everything you describe from the nature, the fresh air, the skies, the people and your daily activities. I'm SO PROUD of you.. You are so courageous and strong. Keep it up :)
Your journey is very much interesting and exciting.

I miss you.

love xoxo